You get what you pay for with a shipping container. If a box is cheap, chances are the quality is bad. Trust us on this, containers are our thing.
At Secure Stores Nationwide, we don’t mess around. Honest prices, unbeatable customer service and top-quality boxes are what we do.
On top of this, our turnaround is rapid. Unless you’re looking for 31 pink polka-dotted chemical stores, we can usually get standard containers to you within 3-5 days.
Whether new or used, purchased or rented, our containers are structurally sound and watertight because what good is a leaky storage container? Trust Secure Stores Nationwide for reliable, high-quality containers that meet your storage needs.
As it happens, I’ve spent most of my life dealing with big metal boxes, doing my damnedest to make sure my clients get the best possible service. If a container’s already travelled several thousand miles, how hard is it to go the extra mile once it’s arrived? I like doing the fiddly stuff to make sure it’s in perfect condition for its new owner – whatever they want to use it for.
Which could be – well, pretty much anything.
Some clients use theirs as a seriously funky mobile workshops. Quite a few are fully operational bars. (Cheers!) Superyachts use them to store rich people’s toys. Less glamorously, one has everything needed for preparing, gutting and storing freshly-caught fish. (Which sounds like a smelly business…)
As for my experience – well, I started out studying criminology and sociology. Then I did a stint on a free range poultry farm – not great for someone with a bird phobia. (I didn’t like the idea of 16,000 chickens creeping up behind me. At least containers don’t follow you about…).
I did rather better in the big metal box business, starting at the bottom as a sales rep and working my way up to take a share in a business. Which means I know pretty much everything I need to know about containers.
So why did I go out on my own? Easy. I’ve always believed good business means putting the client first. Doing what needs to be done – quickly. When my last company was sold to new owners, I couldn’t work the way I wanted to. And that’s why I launched Secure Stores Nationwide – to do business my way.
So whether you want a container for storage, for working in, or for something so mind-blowing I haven’t thought of it yet – give me a call. New, used or rented, we’ll aim to have it with you as quickly as possible.
Just don’t ask me to mind any chickens. Please…